new touchstone teams concepts

trickster gnomes and half dragons...

The gnomes have abilities that let them draw more cards, put opponents cards to sleep, and create illusions (cards whose values are randomly generated each time they resolve). The gnomes also have a much lower number range available to represent their size while the half dragons have a much higher range then any other team because they can fly.

Title page mockup

This is the first full res mockup for the ipad version of touchstone.

Touchstone wireframe

I simplified the interface so its cleaner and less dependent
on special illustrations. I'm handing this off to a graphic
designer for final polish.

I also had an idea to have a ticker along the bottom
of the gameplay page that will scroll through your
stats for the season... wins, losses, touchdowns,
interceptions, kills, etc.

Touchstone ipad UI sketches

Menu and layout studies for ipad version of the game...

officially geeky

Touchstone is now on!